Galen Framework

Galen Framework is a tool primarily based to test the user interface for a website. In the world of thing like mobile first and responsive design. It can be quite a task to validate what an application looks like on many different devices and browsers. Galen works to solve this problem by providing a different test and spec format geared towards this goal.

Test, GSpec, and Javascript. Each of these can be used to define actions and work flow and tested through Selenium to the browser of choice.


By far the easiest way to install is if you already have npm installed. If not you can goto the Galen Framework website and download the tool.

$ sudo npm install -g galenframework-cli


Galen has a central config file called “galen.config”. With it you can specify many of the workings for Galen. For now lets just set the default browser to Chrome.


Your first spec

To start out we will make a spec that looks at the Galen Test page and validates the header height and the content width and height. To do so we first need to make @objects. These will be html elements that have specific id or class etc.

Spacing is somewhat important with Galen however your spacing can be from 1 to 8 space long. Not Tabs. I decided to stick with 4 spaces. Once the objects are created then you must create a section for the tests delimited by the = sign on both sides of the text. Then lastly we can define what we would like to look for on each object to validate.

    header   id    header
    content  id    content

= Main Section =
        height    100px
        height    220px
        width     325px

To run just this spec we can type the following in the command line.

$ galen check home-page.gspec \
  --url \
  --size 640x480 --htmlreport ./report

Test: home-page.gspec
Starting ChromeDriver 2.24.417424 (c5c5ea873213ee72e3d0929b47482681555340c3) on port 13342
Only local connections are allowed.
check  home-page.gspec --url --size 640x480 --htmlreport ./report
= Main Section =
        height    100px

        height    220px
        width     325px

Suite status: PASS
Total tests: 1
Total failed tests: 0
Total failures: 0

Now that we have a spec lets see if we can build a test around it along with setting up some variables for different browser sizes.

@@ parameterized
    | deviceName | tags      | size     |
    | Mobile     | mobile    | 320x600  |
    | Tablet     | tablet    | 640x480  |
    | Desktop    | desktop   | 1024x800 |
Home page on ${deviceName} device ${size}
        check home-page.gspec --include "${tags}"

To run the tests we just need to use Galen test.

$ galen test home-page.test --htmlreport ./report

Test: Home page on Mobile device
Starting ChromeDriver 2.24.417424 (c5c5ea873213ee72e3d0929b47482681555340c3) on port 8750
Only local connections are allowed.
check home-page.gspec --include "mobile"
= Main Section =
        height    100px

        height    220px
->      width     325px
->      :   "content" width is 329px instead of 325px

Test: Home page on Tablet device
Starting ChromeDriver 2.24.417424 (c5c5ea873213ee72e3d0929b47482681555340c3) on port 12196
Only local connections are allowed.
check home-page.gspec --include "tablet"
= Main Section =
        height    100px

        height    220px
        width     325px

Test: Home page on Desktop device
Starting ChromeDriver 2.24.417424 (c5c5ea873213ee72e3d0929b47482681555340c3) on port 8222
Only local connections are allowed.
check home-page.gspec --include "desktop"
= Main Section =
        height    100px

        height    220px
->      width     325px
->      :   "content" width is 724px instead of 325px

Failed tests:
    Home page on Mobile device
    Home page on Desktop device

Suite status: FAIL
Total tests: 3
Total failed tests: 2
Total failures: 2
There were failures in galen tests

You will probably notice some failures this time. The width changes with the different resolutions. Lets add some tags to the home-page.gspec. To do this we will use the @on followed by a tag. “@on tagname”.

    header   id    header
    content  id    content

= Main Section =
        height    100px
        height    220px
    @on mobile
            width    329px
    @on tablet
            width    325px
    @on desktop
            width    724px

Running once more

$ galen test home-page.test --htmlreport ./report
Test: Home page on Mobile device
Starting ChromeDriver 2.24.417424 (c5c5ea873213ee72e3d0929b47482681555340c3) on port 26700
Only local connections are allowed.
check home-page.gspec --include "mobile"
= Main Section =
        height    100px

        height    220px
        width     329px

Test: Home page on Tablet device
Starting ChromeDriver 2.24.417424 (c5c5ea873213ee72e3d0929b47482681555340c3) on port 4679
Only local connections are allowed.
check home-page.gspec --include "tablet"
= Main Section =
        height    100px

        height    220px
        width     325px

Test: Home page on Desktop device
Starting ChromeDriver 2.24.417424 (c5c5ea873213ee72e3d0929b47482681555340c3) on port 6030
Only local connections are allowed.
check home-page.gspec --include "desktop"
= Main Section =
        height    100px

        height    220px
        width     724px

Suite status: PASS
Total tests: 3
Total failed tests: 0
Total failures: 0

Thats the very a very basic way to get started with Galen Framework. There is more documentation on their website.